Mastering Aatrox: Top Tips and Tricks for New and Experienced Players

Mastering Aatrox: Top Tips and Tricks for New and Experienced Players

Aatrox, the Darkin Blade, is a formidable champion in League of Legends known for his high damage output, sustain, and crowd control. Whether you're new to Aatrox or looking to refine your skills, this guide will provide essential strategies and advanced techniques to help you dominate the Rift.

Understanding Aatrox’s Abilities and Cooldowns

Before diving into build paths and combos, it's crucial to understand Aatrox's abilities and their cooldowns. Mastery of his kit is the foundation for any successful play.

Passive: Deathbringer Stance

Aatrox periodically enhances his basic attack, dealing bonus physical damage and healing him based on the target’s maximum health. Proper utilization of this passive can significantly impact trading and sustain during lane phases and team fights.

Q: The Darkin Blade

This ability is a three-part skill shot:

  • First Cast: Aatrox sweeps his greatsword down, dealing damage in a line. The sweet spot at the edge deals bonus damage and applies crowd control.
  • Second Cast: A vertical sweep, with a smaller sweet spot but higher damage.
  • Third Cast: A slam that knocks enemies up, excellent for initiating or disrupting foes.

Learning to land the sweet spots is key to maximizing damage.

W: Infernal Chains

Aatrox smashes the ground, damaging and tethering enemies hit. If the target doesn’t leave the impact area in a few seconds, they are dragged back to the center. This ability is excellent for zoning, peeling, and setting up skill shots.

E: Umbral Dash

This ability provides mobility with two charges and a passive heal based on damage dealt. It can be used in various ways:

  • Engage/Disengage: Close the distance or escape.
  • Repositioning: Set up perfect Q hits.
  • Healing: Sustain through fights with the passive.

R: World Ender

Aatrox grows in size, increases his damage, gains a substantial healing buff, and revives if he gets a takedown while in this form. This ultimate is a game-changer in both skirmishes and team fights, allowing Aatrox to play aggressively.

Optimal Build Paths for Different Matchups

Choosing the right items for Aatrox can make or break your game. Depending on your opponent, adjust your build accordingly. For more on optimizing builds, consider checking out Mastering Darius: Top Tips and Tricks to Dominate Your Lane.

Core Items

  • Goredrinker: Offers cooldown reduction, attack damage, health, and its active provides sustain in fights.
  • Sterak’s Gage: A solid choice for survivability, providing a shield when you drop low on health.
  • Death’s Dance: Adds sustain and a delayed damage mechanic, making Aatrox tankier in extended fights.

Versus AD Champions

  • Plated Steelcaps: Reduces incoming basic attack damage.
  • Thornmail: Adds armor and inflicts Grievous Wounds on attackers.

Versus AP Champions

  • Spirit Visage: Enhances healing effects, crucial for Aatrox’s kit.
  • Maw of Malmortius: Provides a shield when dropping to low health against AP damage.

Situational Items

  • Guardian Angel: Grants an extra life, synergizing well with World Ender.
  • Ravenous Hydra: Adds wave clear and more sustain.
  • Black Cleaver: Shreds armor for both you and your team.

Combos and Attack Patterns to Maximize Damage

Aatrox’s lethal combos can devastate your opponents when executed correctly. To expand your combo execution skills, explore guides like Akali in Action: Pro Tips for Top-Level Play.

Basic Combo

  1. Engage with E (Umbral Dash)
  2. Follow up with Q1 (The Darkin Blade first cast)
  3. Use W (Infernal Chains) to tether the opponent
  4. Q2 (The Darkin Blade second cast)
  5. Reposition with E, if needed
  6. Conclude with Q3 (The Darkin Blade third cast), ensuring the knock-up.

All-In Combo

  1. Activate R (World Ender)
  2. Engage and close the gap with E
  3. Cast Q1
  4. Quickly follow with W to trap the enemy
  5. Continue with Q2, then E for repositioning
  6. Finish with Q3 for maximum damage and crowd control.

Mastering these combinations, along with seamless integration of auto-attacks and passive procs, will make out-trading opponents a breeze.

Positioning and Team Fight Strategies

Positioning is paramount when playing Aatrox. Given his role as a bruiser, optimal placement can turn the tide of battles. For more team fight insights, consider reading Advanced Team Fighting Strategies in League of Legends.

Laning Phase

  • Zone Control: Use W and Q to control the lane and force your opponent into unfavorable trades.
  • Freeze the Lane: Maintain the minion wave near your turret to set up ganks or deny enemy farm.


  • Aatrox excels at dueling and sustaining through 1v1 encounters.
  • Push lanes aggressively when it’s safe, pulling enemy champions to handle you.

Team Fights

  • Frontline Presence: Act as the frontline by engaging with Q and W. Your goal is to absorb damage while creating space for your team.
  • Pick Targets: Use W to isolate high-priority targets.
  • Ultimate Timing: Activate R wisely. Use it to either initiate a fight or turn an unfavorable situation into your favor.


Mastering Aatrox requires a blend of mechanical skill, strategic itemization, and smart positioning. By understanding his abilities and cooldowns, optimizing build paths for different matchups, executing deadly combos, and positioning effectively in team fights, you’ll be well on your way to dominating the Rift with the Darkin Blade.

Are you ready to take your Aatrox gameplay to the next level? Jump into the game, practice these techniques, and watch as you transform into an unstoppable force on the battlefield. Share your own Aatrox tips and strategies in the comments below!