Akali in Action: Pro Tips for Top-Level Play

Are you eager to elevate your Akali gameplay to unmatched heights? Whether you are a budding enthusiast or an experienced duelist, mastering Akali requires an in-depth understanding of her abilities, optimal rune setups, effective combo executions, and strategies for surviving and thriving in the laning phase. In this guide, we will dive into expert tips and tricks tailored for varying skill levels to help you dominate the Rift.

Core Abilities and Power Spikes

Understanding Akali's core abilities and power spikes is fundamental to playing her efficiently.

Abilities Breakdown

  • Passive (Assassin's Mark): Landing an ability on an enemy champion creates a ring around them. Exiting this ring empowers Akali's next basic attack, granting extra range and damage.
  • Q (Five Point Strike): Akali throws out a flurry of kunai, dealing damage. It is Akali's primary tool for poking and wave-clearing.
  • W (Twilight Shroud): Akali drops a smoke bomb, gaining invisibility and movement speed while within it. This ability is crucial for re-positioning and dodging skill shots.
  • E (Shuriken Flip): Akali flips backward, throwing a shuriken forward. Hitting a target allows Akali to dash to them, making it a versatile gap closer or escape tool.
  • R (Perfect Execution): Akali dashes through an enemy champion, dealing damage. After a brief delay, she can dash again, finishing off low-health targets.

Power Spikes

  • Level 1: Akali's Q provides strong poking potential.
  • Level 6: Unlocking her ultimate, Perfect Execution, significantly increases Akali's kill potential.
  • Two-Item Spike: Acquiring items like Hextech Rocketbelt and Zhonya's Hourglass enables Akali to engage and survive in extended fights.


In an early laning phase, utilize Q (Five Point Strike) to whittle down enemy health. Once you've hit level 6, assess whether your enemy is vulnerable and look for opportunities to engage using a combination of your E and R.

Optimal Rune Choices and Why

Selecting the optimal rune setup can transform Akali into an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

Primary Path: Domination

  • Electrocute: It is the go-to keystone for burst damage champions, rewarding aggressive playstyles with its bonus damage.
  • Sudden Impact: After using your E (Shuriken Flip) or R (Perfect Execution), the penetration provided helps maximize your damage output.
  • Eyeball Collection: This rune offers additional Adaptive Damage, which scales well with Akali’s burst potential.
  • Ravenous Hunter: Akali benefits significantly from omnivamp, sustaining herself during prolonged skirmishes.

Secondary Path: Precision

  • Presence of Mind: Helps with Akali's energy management, especially during extended fights.
  • Coup de Grace: Amplified damage to low-health enemies perfectly complements Akali’s kill potential.


Against heavy burst damage opponents, consider taking Resolve secondary with Second Wind and Unflinching to improve your survivability during challenging matchups. For more insights on enhancing your gameplay, check out our Advanced Team Fighting Strategies in League of Legends.

Executing Basic and Advanced Combos

Akali’s potential is unlocked through mastering the art of executing both basic and advanced combos.

Basic Combos

  1. Q (Five Point Strike) + Passive Auto-Attack: Standard harass combo in the laning phase.
  2. E (Shuriken Flip) + E2 (Dash back) + Passive Auto-Attack: Execute this combo to trade effectively or to secure kills on low-health targets.

Advanced Combos

  1. Q + Flash + Passive Auto-Attack + Ultimate: This combo allows for an unexpected burst of damage and closing the gap quickly.
  2. R1 (First Cast) + W (Twilight Shroud) + Q + E (Shuriken Flip) + R2 (Second Cast): Dive deep using your R1, become invisible with W, and burst down enemies using your Q + E combination before finishing them off with R2.


When an enemy is under their turret, surprise them with a Flash + Q followed immediately by E2 (Dash) to execute a swift kill. Utilize W (Twilight Shroud) to drop turret aggro and escape safely.

Surviving and Thriving in the Laning Phase

Surviving the laning phase sets the tone for your mid-to-late game success.

Early Laning Phase

Focus on last-hitting minions with your basic attacks and use Q sparingly to poke and secure minions from a safe distance. Stay behind your minion wave to avoid skill shots and don't overextend without vision. For more detailed strategies on improving your laning, refer to How to Perfect Your Laning Phase in League of Legends.

Mid-Laning Phase

Once you hit level 6, look for kill opportunities. Use your W (Twilight Shroud) to bait out enemy jungler assistance and prepare for counter-ganks. Remember to use your Ultimate wisely to maximize your kill threat.

Late Laning Phase

Roam to other lanes if you've secured an advantage. Use your mobility to get around the map and assist your team. Prioritize objectives like the Rift Herald or Dragon whenever possible.


Against a difficult matchup like Renekton, play defensively and wait for your jungler to provide assistance. Utilize your W to negate his aggressive all-ins and poke him down from a safe distance with your Q.

Summary and Call-to-Action

Mastering Akali involves understanding her core abilities and power spikes, choosing optimal rune setups, executing precise combos, and managing the laning phase effectively. By incorporating these strategies and tips, you will become a formidable Akali player capable of carrying games and making impactful plays.

Dive into your next match with confidence, practice these strategies, and watch your skills improve! If you found these tips helpful, share this guide with your friends and teammates. For more in-depth guides and updates, follow our blog! Don't miss our Mastering Ekko: Advanced Tips and Tricks for Taking Over Games to expand your champion pool.

Feel free to share your experiences and questions in the comments below. Happy climbing and see you on the Rift!