In Satisfactory, the Chainsaw is one of the most important tools for clearing large areas of vegetation, making space for factory expansions, and gathering biomass for power generation. However, using the Chainsaw effectively requires some understanding of how it works within the game.
1. Unlocking the Chainsaw
Before you can use the Chainsaw, you need to unlock it by completing the Obstacle Clearing milestone, which becomes available in Tier 2. This milestone requires certain materials, such as reinforced iron plates, cables, and concrete, to be submitted at the HUB terminal. Once unlocked, you can craft the Chainsaw at an equipment workshop, which costs 5 reinforced iron plates, 25 screws, and 160 cable.
2. Fueling the Chainsaw
The Chainsaw doesn’t run on its own – it requires Solid Biofuel to function. This is crucial, as using the Chainsaw without fuel will result in no action. Solid Biofuel is crafted from biomass at the crafting bench or an automated constructor, making it an efficient fuel source. Be sure to carry a decent amount of fuel, as the Chainsaw can consume it fairly quickly when clearing large areas.
3. Operating the Chainsaw
Once you’ve crafted and fueled the Chainsaw, using it is straightforward. Equip the tool from your inventory and approach a cluster of trees, shrubs, or other flora. The Chainsaw targets multiple plants at once in a wide radius, meaning you can cut down entire clusters with one swipe. This makes it perfect for clearing a lot of space quickly. Simply aim at the area you want to clear, and hold down the left mouse button to activate the tool. You’ll notice that it clears not just the plants but also the nearby grass, shrubs, and small trees. Larger trees or obstacles that are harder to remove will also be taken care of when using the Chainsaw.
4. Gathering Biomass
Aside from clearing space, the Chainsaw provides another important resource: biomass. All the trees and plants you cut down using the tool are automatically converted into biomass in your inventory, which can then be refined into biofuel. This is especially important early in the game when you’re heavily reliant on biofuel-powered generators. The Chainsaw allows you to harvest large amounts of biomass quickly, keeping your power grid running smoothly [3].
5. Troubleshooting
If the Chainsaw isn’t working as expected (e.g., not cutting down trees), a quick fix may involve saving your game, exiting, and restarting. Players have reported that this simple solution can resolve issues related to the Chainsaw not functioning properly.
The Chainsaw is an indispensable tool for anyone aiming to clear space and gather biomass quickly in Satisfactory. Unlocking it early in the game and using it efficiently with a steady supply of biofuel will help you maintain a thriving power grid and make room for new factory expansions. Don’t forget to keep a backup supply of Solid Biofuel, and you’ll have no trouble keeping your Chainsaw running at full throttle.