Annie Mid Guide: How to Carry and Win Games

Description: Learn the ins and outs of playing Annie with this in-depth guide packed with pro tips and strategy insights.

Annie is a formidable burst mage with incredible crowd control, making her an ideal choice for players looking to carry games in the mid-lane. In this guide, we'll delve into optimal spell rotations and stuns, item builds for various situations, laning phase strategies, and the best tactics for engagement and burst damage execution.

Optimal Spell Rotations and Stuns

Annie's kit revolves around her ability to burst down foes and control the battlefield with stuns. Mastering her spell rotations and stun management is crucial for maximizing her potential. For tips on enhancing your gameplay with other champions, check out our Azir Mid Guide.

Understanding Pyromania (Passive)

Annie's passive, Pyromania, causes her to stun her target after casting four spells. Properly timing this stun is essential for making impactful plays.

Spell Combo for Maximum Burst

For a full burst, your typical combo will be:

  1. Disintegrate (Q) to initiate with damage and start the rotation.
  2. Follow up with Incinerate (W) for an area stun if Pyromania is ready.
  3. Use Molten Shield (E) to gain resistances and accelerate your stun preparation.
  4. Unleash Summon: Tibbers (R) to deal massive damage and leave Tibbers to continue damage over time.

Timing your Q, W, and R to maximize your damage output while ensuring your stuns are used at the right moment can make or break a skirmish.

Managing Your Stun

Always keep an eye on your passive stacks. Position yourself to surprise enemies with an unexpected stun. Sometimes, holding onto your E or W to instantly stun opponents when they commit can lead to game-changing plays. For more on positioning, see our guide on Advanced Team Fighting Strategies.

Best Item Builds for Different Scenarios

Itemization is key to scaling effectively and adapting to different game states. Below, find optimal builds tailored to varying match scenarios.

  1. Standard Build:

  2. Against Burst Mages or Assassins:

  3. Dealing with Tanks:

Laning Phase and Farming Tactics

Your laning phase sets the tone for the rest of the game. Effective farming and harass can snowball your lead. For more on perfecting your laning phase, refer to our guide on How to Perfect Your Laning Phase in League of Legends.

Early Game Objectives

  1. Farm with Q: Disintegrate (Q) refunds mana on kill, making it an efficient tool to secure last hits without mana cost.
  2. Harass with Stun: Utilize your stun combo to harass enemy laners during last hitting, making it risky for them to farm.

Wave Management

Control the minion wave to your advantage by freezing it near your turret or slow pushing to prep for a roam. Avoid unnecessary auto-attacks to maintain wave equilibrium.

Avoiding Ganks

Ward smartly and keep an eye on the enemy jungler’s movements. Falling behind due to ganks can significantly hamper your ability to carry. Improve your map awareness with our detailed guide on How to Improve Your Map Awareness in League of Legends.

Engagement and Burst Damage Execution

Annie thrives in engagements with her unparalleled burst potential. Here’s how to engage and follow-up for maximum impact.


  1. Surprise Combos: Hide in bushes or use the Fog of War to launch surprise attacks. Flash with an R + W or R + Q combo can decimate unsuspecting targets.
  2. Teamfights: Position yourself to launch Tibbers into clustered enemies for widespread stun and damage.

Burst Follow-Up

After your initial combo, sustain damage with auto-attacks (enhanced by Molten Shield) and reposition to avoid being targeted.

Utilizing Tibbers

Timely use of Tibbers’ enraged state upon summon can shift teamfights. Manage Tibbers to chase and deal damage, turning it into an effective secondary damage source.


Mastering Annie requires a mix of mechanical skill and strategic thinking. Focus on impeccable spell rotations and stuns, adaptive item builds, efficient farming, and precise engagement tactics to dominate your games.


Now that you’ve armed yourself with the ultimate Annie mid guide, it’s time to bring these strategies into your next game. Practice makes perfect, so hop onto Summoner’s Rift and start climbing the ranks with our tips! Follow our blog for more in-depth guides and pro tips on your favorite champions!